Mind Body Spirit ReleaseĀ® Code of Ethics

On my honor, as a Mind Body Spirit ReleaseĀ® Practitioner, I commit to:

  1. Treat all of my clients with respect and compassion no matter their circumstances or beliefs and never discriminate based upon age, health, sexual orientation, religious or spiritual beliefs, ethnicity, national origin, disability or military status.
  2. Hold as the highest priority the health and welfare of my clients and all with whom I become professionally involved.
  3. Respect the dignity, uniqueness, rights to privacy, confidentiality, and self determination of all people.
  4. Operate within the scope of my practice as a professional and never claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe in any way unless I am licensed to do so, performing only those services for which I am qualified, representing my education, certifications, professional affiliations, and other qualifications accurately.
  5. Abide by applicable local, state, and national laws governing my healthcare services.
  6. Make referrals to other practitioners when and as appropriate, especially when their needs are outside of the scope of my practice or ability.
  7. Practice The MBSR Methodā„¢ only at the level to which I am currently certified. I will not use charts from courses I have not taken or certified in.Ā 
  8. To not receive compensation for practicing The MBSR Methodā„¢Ā unless my certification is current.
  9. Complete a 1:1 Mentorship session after the first year if I desire to maintain my certification. Thereafter, to maintain certification, I will take either continuing education modules or complete another mentorship session every two years.
  10. Respect the Academy Student Agreement and Code of Ethics that I have signed and I will not share, create, sell, or teach the Mind Body Spirit ReleaseĀ® techniques or materials to others unless given written permission to do so by Tracy Southwick.
  11. Have all clients sign an appropriate waiver before working with them, sending new clients the appropriate intake forms with ample time, if possible, before the appointment so that they can return them to me to review before the session.
  12. Connect with my clients via phone, video or in person for at least the first visit to explain the process, answer any questions and build rapport/trust.
  13. Give my clients clear instructions about when and where I am to meet with them (virtually or in person), the length of the session and anything else pertinent to the appointment.
  14. Provide a clear and understandable explanation of the clearing notes I provide my clients with, whether it be over the phone, on live video, in person or by video/audio recording.
  15. Provide my clients with clearing notes and an explanation of them within a reasonable time after the agreed-upon clearing appointment unless otherwise specified.
  16. Provide reasonable and appropriate Action Steps to involve my clients in the process, building a collaborative relationship with those I serve.
  17. Follow-up with my clients regarding their experiences and assigned Action Steps on the next visit or before.
  18. Be clear and open with my clients regarding my fees and their financial responsibilities, including giving them ample notice about price changes.
  19. Keep confidential all personal information I have received or uncovered in sessions with relation to my clients unless I have been given express permission to reveal that information in specified instances.
  20. Honor that Group clearings should not be facilitated on any topics related to trauma.Ā Group clearings are meant only for cohesive groups with shared goals (families, classrooms, businesses).
  21. Keep my agreements and avoid unrealistic or unclear commitments.
  22. Commit to continually improving my ethical, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects so that I can be my best self and provide the most excellent care for my clients.
  23. Commit to personal integrity, authenticity, and my own ongoing healing and wholesome development in body, mind, and spirit.
  24. Recognize and honor the intellectual property of Mind Body Spirit ReleaseĀ®Ā Ā Academy, as well as of my colleagues and clients and properly cite all information I post on social media, my website, in handouts or other materials.
  25. Take full responsibility for my actions as a practitioner.
  26. Seek gratitude, compassion, love and joy!
  27. Promote an awareness of ethics within the healthcare community and attest to my willingness to adhere to this Code of Ethics and its updates as posted onĀ www.mindbodyspiritrelease.com.

If I breach any part of this agreement with Mind Body SpiritĀ® Academy, I agree that I may be held accountable for doing so. My accountability for any breach may include sanctions, including additional mentorship (at my cost), additional training (at my cost), requirement to re-take certain modules, or even the loss of my MBSR-P certification.